What to Avoid During Tree Removal?

stump grinding okc

Tree roots with nutrients are resurrected and all attempts to kill a tree can be lost in only a few years, as the root begins to touch the sky to survive. A tree root network can be vast and go down meters, as far as the height and diameter of the tree itself can even reach out underground! As you can imagine, it would be extremely difficult to remove sufficient root system with muscle and manual labor to ensure that the tree doesn't grow back.

What to Do While Tree Root Removal

There are also several choices for stump grinding or the root structure to explore now, when you have the tree down.

Sure, a relentless bump or root can be managed by eliminating any new growth if this process takes patience from an old tree stumbling or the actual root system. Remove the sprout to the root, or cut the stump bits that have started to sprout. However, it can take between two to seven years for this process of tree root removal to take up the root nutrients. Never throw your compost with the clippings!

stump grinding okc

Rolling up roots manually or with a chain saw is also not an effective solution, even if they are no more connected to the main root, bits of the root system remaining in the ground will start to grow back. We do not advise to try it unless you want a blunt blade immediately. As soon as it hits your dirt, your chainsaw won't last long.

Excavation is an easy way to ensure that the tree root is easily removed, but excavators are bulky and expensive to employ. It does not fit into tight places and leaves a large hole where the root structure was to be completed and compacted. Excavation can be more expensive and headache worth it!

The Secret Removing of the Roots

So, what is the cheapest and most time-efficient method of tree root removal? Stump grinding machines come in genuinely large sizes to work in wider areas or fit in small spaces that a puller cannot do.

stump grinding okc

For certain situations, a general root or tree poison can be mixed in the remaining mulch such as a fast-growing tree or invasive species, but this is not required. Stump grinders will grind happily to tackle the roots of the soil, no extra work like left green waste will be carried out as a grinder, and all matter will be grinded into nutritious wood chips for the garden. Tree root removal through a grinder is the only way to guarantee the complete and quick removal of roots like palm trees with thousands of finger roots, so that such vigorously re-sprinkling trees do not have a chance to grow again.

If you want to go for stump grinding in OKC, book an appointment with Clear Tree Services.