How to Memorize a Tree after Removal?

American Flag Tied To Tree

Whether you've been caring for a sapling since day one, or just lately got to know an established tree, trees have a way to leave a mark that makes us cherish them while they're alive and miss them profoundly once they're gone.

It's a sad one, but that trees don't live forever is a fact of life. Still, you don't have to say goodbye for good when it's time to part ways with a beloved plant. Dead trees should be removed for safety from your yard hiring tree removal service from OKC, but they can live on their heritage.

Below, read your beloved tree on a multitude of ways after it's gone.

How to Memorize a Tree?

Commemorate your precious tree by carving a location for it in your home, or by putting it in an appropriate location in your yard to complement other plants.

Plant another tree. You have loved the old tree because of the eye-catching fall color or flowers. Whatever it is bring that tree back to your life planting a new one. If you are going this path, avoid planting a tree at the same place from or replanting the same species if the circumstances for growing are not ideal.

Make the tree for your other crops a comfortable cover. To create natural mulch, grind your ancient tree components down to woodchips. Watching your crops bloom while they're covered in your ancient tree's blanket of mulch is a wonderful way to make excellent use of the beloved tree.

Bring the outside indoors. What better way to remember a tree than to add it to your home? There are many choices here, such as jazzing up a light fixture with tree twigs, turning an ancient branch into a rustic handrail, smoothing out a stump to create a side table, or even using parts of the tree to create a convenient hanger.

Convert the trunk by the stepping stones. Cut the trunk or a large branch into circular stepping stones, and each time you take a step, remember your tree. (Bonus tip here: dust sandy steps so they're not slippery.

Carve into the timber a message. A family name, or your beloved tree's name, can be sculpted into an ancient tree wood board and displayed outside your home. In the little stuff, find consolation. Smaller branches of a tree, like coasters, can be converted into accents for your home.

Xmas Tree

Keeping the Tree

You can certainly hold your tree parts to make something unique. But letting stick around the entire tree? That's a risk you don't have to take.

Dead trees are unbelievably fragile. During a storm, they might tip over or lose their limbs, putting you in danger. Moreover, if their cause of death had anything to do with insects or disease, if you keep the tree standing, these infections can spread to other plants.

But telling if a tree is dead or alive is not always simple. If you're not sure about the status of your tree, a certified arborist may be of assistance for tree removal in OKC from Clear Tree View Services.