Differences – Tree Pruning and Tree Shearing

Tree Pruning

Pruning or shearing your shrubs helps contain its development, give the plants a specific shape and keep them healthy overall. Shearing includes only cutting the top portions of the fresh development of the shrubs. This method is usually applied if you want a formal, tailor-made hedge form. Hand-taking cuts twigs and branches more selectively across the bucket, adhering to the natural development habit of the plant and enabling air and light to penetrate all sections of the plant. You'll want to know the basics of pruning and shearing shrubs before you start tree trimming in OKC.


Shearing shrubs involve transforming crops for esthetic or privacy reasons into official safeguards. You can make the shrub shapes in the form that you wish by using long-bladed hand or electric shears. When you shear, watch for mutilated branches and leaves not to leave unnatural, which can be a side effect of fast tree trimming in OKC. The new growth only outside the plant is another side effect of the shaving, which results in the dead, twiggy, leafless interior of the plant and the lower part of the shrub.


Shrubs are made from two basic reductions: the heading-back-cut and the thinning-cut. The heading-back-cut removes all branches from terminal to an intermediate point. Thinning cuts remove material at the source, removing entire buds, branches or twigs. Make thinning cuts above and approximately parallel to parent or side branches. Regardless of what you cut, make sure your tools are extremely sharp, as dull tools can produce a jagged, decay-prone cup.

Tree Shearing

Shearing and Pruning Difference

Pruning, trimming, shearing, cutting. They could all sound the same, but the difference between pruning and cutting a tree is significant.

In pruning practice, branches are selectively removed from a shrub for right size, tree health and structure when edges of outer shrubs are not aesthetically pleasing. Pruning encourages plant growth but shearing limits it to the outer part of a plant and inside does not grow much. Pruning gives a natural look to the plant but shearing gives an artificial look. You can dictate the plant’s size with pruning, but shearing cannot control how large the plant will get.

Shearing Evergreen Shrubs

For landscapes, tree shearing is the right choice. While shearing, you could have a goal to maintain an elegant and showy look.

Generally, in the average landscape, shearing may look out of place. Additionally, after one shear, you need to trim the plant multiple times at the growing season for the formal look. Alternatively, pruning does not need as much attention like shearing and trees are trimmed to keep up the natural shape.

Be in touch with Clear View Tree Services for tree trimming in OKC.