Everything You Need to Know About Tree Removal Insurance

tree removal okc

Removing big trees in your yard- it's been a significant issue. If there is a gigantic tree in your yard, you should arrange for its exclusion before it brings up problems for all neighborhoods. Falling or broken trees can bring great trouble to electric wires too.

You must hire a professional tree removal service before it is too late. This type of service help with trimming your lawn, tree removal, pruning, and damage clean up after natural calamity like a storm and helps in stump grinding.

Some Unknown Facts before Tree Removal

Area by-laws

There must have specific laws that regulate the removal of a tree even from private property.

Underground Hazards

If a gigantic tree is to be removed from its root, the company needs to check if there are some underground telephonic wires, gas lines, and sewers that may get damaged. Before the tree removal, these things should be checked thoroughly.

tree removal okc

Proximity to Your House

In some cases, when someone wants to cut down a tree that is closer to the house, extra care should be taken to avoid any severe damage to the home and the neighborhood.


One of the most significant factors among all- is insurance. If you want to remove the tree from the ground then, make sure the company you hire is adequately insured for injuries caused by your worker or property damage while taking out the tree.

Various Types of Tree Insurance Coverage for Tree Care Companies

Before calling your local tree care company, you should know that there are two insurance coverage types- general liability and workers' compensation.

Here are the specific insurance that a tree removal service covers for their workers.

tree removal okc

What is General Liability Insurance?

General liability means if something wrong will happen while removing trees, the company's responsibility should be taken by the company itself.

If someone is doing tree chopping work, their insurance policy should be particular to cover tree work. If there is no insurance policy, then any kind of damages and the injuries will not be considered.

What Is Workers' Compensation Insurance?

We all know that tree work is dangerous, and anything can happen during the tree's removal. So, according to the workers' compensation coverage, a worker needs his compensation insurance if any accidents take place.

For any assistance, call us. We, Clear Tree Services in OKC are there for you. Call us and book your appointment today for tree removal.